“The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible. But they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore.” Vincent Van Gogh

Imagine you standing on the peer of opportunity anchored down by weighing your options and waiting for the right weather before you step onto the vessel nautical miles away from the paradise island of online earnings. You fear embarking on a voyage that maneuvers the ebbs, flows, torrid and uncertain waters of business ownership will sink your hopes and dreams into the abyss of wreckages of failed ventures well before your visions of the lifestyle of sandy beaches and golden sunsets over the horizon materializes into a eureka moment and not a mirage on a desert island.



    1. Introduction To E-Learning

    2. Have you Considered Or Evaluating The Option To Acquire Online Business Skills Via An E-Learning Avenue?

    3. Have you Considered Or Evaluating The Option To Sharpen Skills And Embark On Personal Development From A Virtual Learning Avenue?

    4. The Survey: Thanks For Sharing your input.

    5. The Next steps

About this course

  • Free
  • 7 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content
Watch Intro Video


We want to and appreciate hearing from you.

Even if you already are engaged in, on the fence pondering or uneasy about it or would consider but need a support system of peers and mentors.

  • Is earning online a real option for a newbie?

    Yes, making money through an online option is now easier and simpler but still, as traditional forms of earning, requires your passionate vision and a strategic mission coupled with good old fashioned hard work. If you are looking to snooze through that early morning alarm calling you to wake up to pursuing your financial goals then, use this survey as a wake up call for you or someone else.

  • What is the subject content of the survey?

    The 21st century has ushered in amazing opportunities and options to transform how we shop, work, entertain, communicate and even plan armchair vacations and staycations. We are in an era where information is abundantly accessible to anyone with an online portal. Technology continues to expand and improve upon the landscape of how we learn. Software creations and upgrades to popular apps have facilitated how information travels around the globe in mere seconds. The reality of the internet age brings us to this one inquiry.

  • The reasons why you might benefit you and definitely us by completing this e-course survey:

    Help us test an idea for an online course by gauging future audience's interest Introduce new learners to the concept of e-course for Entrepreneurs before paying for lessons that may not be suitable for a Futurepreneur seeking business information or offer unchallenging skill level growth for a budding Entrepreneur. Invite pre-enrollments for freebies, bonuses, our upcoming e- courses and launches. Build a rapport with future e-learners who would welcome early invites to upcoming online course launches and free e-courses to freshen up skills. To improve our e-learning offerings and address topics and business knowledge gaps that impact under privileged demographics. Reach out to future e-learners by adding value of pre-educating Futurepreneurs on the tremendous benefits and career options for non traditional careers options.

A message from our Team of E-Academy instructors

We are glad you found us and we thank you taking the time to input your answers as you offer an insight and your views on e-learning

  • Learn More About Dynamic Paradigms E-Academy What is included in this optional e-course survey?

    This survey includes one chapter with questions and sections, in addition to this instruction page. You can either leave this survey page or come back and complete it at a later time and future date. We welcome you sharing and inviting colleagues, peers and social media friends to join you. A description of the included chapter and lessons: Thank you for pre-enrolling! -

  • Chapter - Chapters contain lessons and are sometimes called modules or sections

    Video Lesson - This lesson features a short video from your instructor. Typically, our instructors have added a short 2 min or so message to thank our e-learners for pre-enrolling in the e-course and for previewing upcoming content for you to peruse and plan your future e-learning schedule. Note: You cannot skip this section or any lesson as this is a gateway to helping us create e-courses that suit your preferred learning style and offer you input into content preferences. Before you go... - Survey Lesson - This survey is designed to collect feedback about what, how, when you want to learn. This feedback will be taken into account when determining future content for any course curriculum. Next steps - Text Lesson - When you have completed this survey e-course, we have provided the next steps you can take. The course has included directions to practice any learning, links to other useful resources and our FREE offer for a start up e- course from your three preferred skill level choices. Note: We've included a Next Steps link for you to visit and take action to become your own boss if you are looking for a starting point.

  • Next steps - Text Lesson - When you have completed this survey e-course, we have provided the next steps you can take.

    The course has included directions to practice any learning, links to other useful resources and our FREE offer for a start up e- course from your three preferred skill level choices. Note: We've included a Next Steps link for you to visit and take action to become your own boss if you are looking for a starting point.