I am an ardent promoter of mindful practices and mindset habits that advance my MOTTO.

"Live Life with Simplicity, Learn Lifelong Strategies, Leverage Logical Solutions and Launch a Successful Lifesplan". Be Brilliant! Be present. Be audacious. Be accountable. Be aspirational, Be insipirational, Be generous, Be extraordinary. Be a mentor. Be your own Heroic Role Model. And last but not least, "BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOU & FOR YOU"


"It takes a Village of Fervent Visionaries to Invest in the Ventures of Future Visionaries"

My name is Nightingale Mukasa the CEO and Founder of Majestic Media Solutions LLC & The Dynamic Paradigms Futurepreneurship Academy. I am the Ambassador of a family of 19 exceptional brothers and sisters, and as the oldest sibling, it is an onus which I immensely revere and take very wholeheartedly as the beneficiary of infinite special rewards. It is an honour and a pleasure to jointly share and perform the duties at the helm of our mission, with a generation of amazing individuals and family members. As I design my life to create a lasting legacy for myself and leave a foundaion for our future generations, I am mindful of the blessings and memories of my most revered life achievements, with profound pride. Motherhood was bestowed upon me by a brilliant favourite son, the youngest of 3 very Independent adults and loving daughters. I cherish and carry in my heart infinite gratitude for my privileged life, superb motherland upbringing and timeless love for my adoring parents. I treasure my village of remarkable siblings and relatives. We have each in our own way, endured and survived as many of us relocated and displaced to foreign countries so as to escape the devastating realities and atrocities of the Idi Amin Regime. The effects still reverberate in our country as wounds that are hard to heal and losses that are hard to grieve and circumstances that have been difficult to overcome. We are here now, the survivors and the lucky ones who grieve for the broken dreams, shattered lifestyles, senseless deaths of loved ones, comerades and fellow country children, youth, men, women and parents. We are here to march on with grace. I enjoy my journey as a copilot and friend to my other half, the wind beneath my wings, an US AIrforce Academy Graduate and who spends his work hours in the friendly skies transporting precious cargo, the International travelers, from O'Hare to Europe and beyond, on what he affectionately calls "The Skyway To Heaven" My dreams are boundless, my goals audacious, my passions exhilerating, talents are many and my sense of humour infectiously witty. My father afforded me an excellent education that took me from elementary school at Green Acres Girls Preparatory Academy in Kenya East Africa to secondary education continued in the British Educational System, at Headington Girls School, an all girls boarding school in Oxford England. Thanks to my privileged life, I had the opportunity to take charge of my future and personally plan my whimsical escape ( per my Dad) to the United States as a 17 year old young Lady with the dream to pursuit a career as a Pediatrician or Gynecologist. The Independence of Women, the proper parenting of children, affinity for mentor-ship and love of the wriiten words in novels and thus education, have always taken center stage in my dreams, future goals and business plans. I attended the University of the Pacific, a private College in the San Joaquin Valeey of California, as a foreign student in the Pharm-D student, my plan to obtain the 4 year degree necessary to begin a USA Medical program, and to also have an interim career to help finance that education. The wars in Uganda forced my father into excile in the mid 80s, which inerfered with his ability to finance his childrens private international education, as he had always afforded to do. I was unable to complete my Pharm-D degree and was practically a young adult with no way to return home and a father who never even imagined just how worse matters would deteriorate in Uganda. I stayed, hopeful that I would resume my studies and graduate with my classmates. On the recommendation of a fellow Afrcian Pharm-D classmate, I enrolled at a Junior college, at a cost of merely $5/academic unit, to bide time in the Nursing Program, as I awaited more funds. I have enjoyed a 25 year career as a Critical Care Nurse, which was unfortunately, abruptly ended in November 2014 due to patient related Hospita work injury. I have never recovered and soon faced the reality of the unexpected and uncereminious termination of my career due to medical disability. I have picked up the pieces and invested my energy and time into living my next life as the business Woman, I always desired to be.I hired ME. My father was a very successful Business man and a very brilliant individual with many start up businesses, prior to the unimaginable and extreme financial and property losses he has suffered at the hands of the pre, mid and post Idi Amin regime atrocities. His most prized and prideful, near and so dear to him, is his thriving business, the Uganda Equator Ltd Project. He was the very first Ugandan to envision a resort at the Equatorline in Mpigi Uganda, where he is the CEO of a thriving and growing resort. It is impossible to be an ofspring of mt father and not spend a lifetime with a business venture or several up your sleeve and the tirelessness to dream outside the confines of what challenges lie at the feet of your life's journey. I am Nightingale Mukasa, a Femaleprepreneur. A fervent supporter of audacious Women Entrepreneurs striving and thriving on the path less traveled. A Lifelong business minded individual with and thus an ardent promoter of "Hiring Oneself" no matter at what age, just be your Own BOSS, in business and in every aspect of Life. My most respected Industry, my business beginnings, the Home-Office Franchise-Affiliate Multi-Level Marketing Arena. The only Business Ownership model and avenue that offers a pathway to business ownership in an affordable way with an equitable chance to succeed, for any every day indiviual, novice or sage Solopreneur, with an eagernes, desire, mature work ethics, perserverance and persistent spirit and drive to design a better lifestyle and create legacy wealth. However, the pride of a business owner, I believe should rest at the threshhold of owning one's very own business empire, small or enterprise sized, build from the pure toil and sweat of staying the challenging course of realising a passion materialise into a business. That moment when time of past dreams transcends the gap of a vision to embarce the horizon of a mission impossible bearing the fruits of one's labour of committment to self. I am here to - honour, preserve, pass along and respect the sacrifices of my grandfather, who as a young adult journed away from the comfort and safety of his ancetral home, and the daily secutity of a regal family to embark on his very own life journey, in a foreign land. I am here to - pay forward my fortiude and fortunes, to empower and elevate the livelihood and level up the chances of young men and women whose lives may never experience the blessings and wonders of growing up loved, well educated and set on a path to choose own destiny with resoucefullness and audacity as a direct result and subsequent outcome of exposure to a stable foundation provided by parents and the community. I was granted that privilege and so much more. I am an ardent promoter of mindful practices and mindset habits that advance my MOTTO. "Live Life with Simplicity, Learn Lifelong Strategies, Leverage Logical Solutions and Launch a Successful Lifesplan". Be Brilliant! Be present. Be audacious. Be accountable. Be aspirational, Be insipirational, Be generous, Be extraordinary. Be a mentor. Be your own Heroic Role Model. And last but not least, "BECOME THE BEST VERSION OF YOU & FOR YOU" It is an immense honour and privilege to be part of humanity, amidst the company of aspiring and inspirational fellow Women of impactful greatness, bold Business centric colleagues, forward focused friends and most importantly, fondly adored family members. I am ME, Nightingale Mukasa.

Time is the only capital that any human being has, and the only asset one cannot afford to lose"

"When we aspire to take on any challenges which align with our talents, abilities, dreams, goals and passions, we are more fulfilled, eager to embark on our new missions, we reap immense value in our engagement in our chosen career path"

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